Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much will my project cost?
    • The project's cost will depend on your desired investment and the overall scope of the project.
    • For full-service design projects, I will help you stay within your budget while prioritizing functionality and longevity, so you don't have to keep purchasing furniture year after year.
    • Full-service design projects can also be completed one room at a time to help you budget correctly and achieve a seamless design throughout the entire home, which will save you money in the long run.
  • What if I need contractors?
    • While I can recommend some tradespeople, we prefer our clients to find their own tradesperson whom we will guide in completing your project without issues or complications.
    • Once we have selected the trades we will use, I will handle all communication between contractors. We will schedule meetings throughout the design implementation phase.
    • During our "trade-day" meeting, we will discuss plans with the contractors, electricians, etc. to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Throughout the process, I will communicate with the tradespeople as necessary to ensure that everything is to your liking.
  • How will you specify the right products?
    • After our conceptual design meeting, I will learn more about your unique requirements for your living space and suggest the best possible solutions with furnishings, art, etc.
    • I like to mix the new with the old, so I integrate my clients' own pieces of art, travel collections, and vintage pieces into the design.
    • I also love to shop at local vintage or consignment shops to bring a lived-in feel to modern and 'new' spaces, giving a bespoke and intentional design that really warms up any space.
    • I strongly believe that adding layered tactile components can uplift a design from just okay to the most luxurious feeling when you walk into a space.
  • Will I see the value of working with a professional interior designer?
    • Yes, working with a professional will give you peace of mind knowing that you can prevent costly mistakes, whether it's during a renovation or picking out the right sofa for your living room.
    • Well-organized and thoughtful design creates a relaxing, functional, and endlessly pleasing environment. A well-designed space feels effortless and “right” to the inhabitants. And, from a functional perspective, working with an interior designer exposes you to new products and new solutions.
  • Will I lose control of the design or the budget?
    • The process begins with an in-depth conversation about the space, who uses it, and how you use it. We discuss likes and dislikes. Every step of the way, you are involved and aware of the budget. You make all the final decisions, and I will guide you throughout the process.
  • I’m afraid it will be too expensive, or that I will get stuck with a room I won’t like.
    • I can save you money by helping you allocate resources wisely, eliminate decorating mistakes, and increase creative thinking.
    • And I know you’ll love the final result because you are involved every step of the way. It’s my job to provide great options and help you make the right selections and decisions for your lifestyle.
    • However, I will push you to expand your aesthetic boundaries and introduce you to new ideas that you may not have thought of yourself.
  • Will a designer try to get me to buy things I can’t afford?
    • Interior designers are experts at working within a budget. A realistic budget can help us plan for the right pieces for your functional and aesthetic needs and create a design that will work for you and your family for years to come.
    • Some items may have a higher up-front cost but will have a lower life-cycle cost, making them a better solution.
    • I will help you save time and money by providing sensible interior design advice and help you allocate your resources wisely.
  • How does an interior designer make money?
    • Interior designers charge in many different ways, but in most cases, designers make money on a design fee (design time and implementation) and products they sell (procurement services).
    • Sometimes more time is needed than what was allocated for the project, and in those instances, we charge an hourly fee so that we can continue to work and get your project done on time. We will not surprise you with any new invoices without your prior approval.
    • We do this because the design is only a portion of the whole look. The other part is ordering the right products and assuming all the ordering details and responsibilities.
    • We also go shopping for accessories and smaller pieces locally and invite our clients on shopping trips to style their space for the final installation.