Discovering Happiness:

My Journey from Vaccines to Interior Design

Hello! I'm Ali Fasi, and I want to take you on a journey through my life - a journey that has led me from a childhood filled with a love for organization and aesthetics to the world of interior design. My story is deeply personal, shaped by my experiences growing up in a turbulent environment, my pursuit of a medical career, and the eventual discovery of my true passion in interior design.

Early Passion for Organization and Creativity

As far back as I can remember, I was the kid with the most organized and stylish room. I'd paint accent walls, meticulously make my bed, and find special places for all my cherished trinkets. My creative side thrived through doodles and drawings, but it would take years for me to realize that this innate sense of design would be a driving force in my life.

A Turbulent Childhood and the Pursuit of Medicine

My childhood was marked by constant moves, a whirlwind of changes that took me to six different states between 1996 and 2003. Eventually, my family settled in the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. I was determined to become a doctor, partly influenced by my grandfather's wishes and the weight of family expectations. The pressure to follow this path was immense, and I felt the shame of not gaining acceptance into medical school.

Discovering Passion in Vaccine Manufacturing

Despite the challenges, I ventured into the field of vaccine manufacturing and spent a decade working tirelessly. However, as time passed, I realized I couldn't envision myself spending the next 30 years in this profession. It was during this period of self-reflection that I made a life-changing decision.

Finding My True Calling

I purchased my first home, and little did I know that it would be the canvas on which I discovered my hidden talent. Friends and family who visited were astonished by how well I had decorated the space. It was a friend who sat me down and encouraged me to turn my passion into a profession. Although initially hesitant about charging for something I loved doing, I began to see the potential for happiness in making a career out of my passion.

A Journey of Skill Development

Over the last six years, I diligently honed my skills, constantly pushing my boundaries. I purchased and renovated my second house in a record-breaking five weeks. It wasn't just about design and aesthetics; I discovered my knack for efficient project management.

The Launch of Bespoke by Ali Fasi

Three more years down the road, and I finally took the leap. I launched my own interior design business, aptly named "Bespoke by Ali Fasi." It was a culmination of years of hard work, self-discovery, and the realization that my true happiness lay in helping others create beautiful and emotionally resonant living spaces.

My journey from a child with a penchant for stylish organization to an interior designer with a thriving business has been an incredible adventure. It's a story of self-discovery, resilience, and the pursuit of happiness. Today, I'm dedicated to crafting spaces that not only reflect the personalities of my clients but also evoke the emotions they desire. Join me on this exciting journey as I continue to transform houses into homes filled with beauty, comfort, and meaning.